

Last week I've been at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg. The band I was looking for most was S.C.U.M, as you maybe can imagine. Unfortunatelly they had problems with the sound, that's why I who stood in the frontrow nearly couldn't hear any vocals, but that was more than most of the other people in the chock-full venue Molotow could hear. Some people who didn't know the band before thought they never had any vocals in their songs. However the sound of the instruments was great and the members who I met afterwards seem to be very nice guys.
I'll go to see them again in November in Hamburg again as The Horrors' support.

Here's the music video to Whitechapel:

Like An Animal

I totally don't feel like writing lately and I first wanted to say sorry, but actually there's nobody to recognize my absence, so nevermind.

A quick update though: Beloved Hatcham Social offer a free donwload of their Single "Like An Animal", you better go and get it if you stumble across this blog by accident. Oh, if you do it today, because they said it would be available just temporary.



Chaos of glitter and sparkles

Lovely Anna, who's got a quite more interesting blog as I do, has a giveaway over at this post: click here! I really, really like quizzes and stuff like that where you can win something, but I nearly never win. But last week, but that's another story... Well, I'd like to win, I'm needy and need it for my self-esteem.

The cake by the way isn't burned though I missed to take it out in time. I'll go to a concert by some gay guy named Oliver Eves now. Don't know him, but the concert is for free, it's Ruby Tuesday at Café Glocksee. I love that place!

Well Done

Nothing written from the things I promised, been ill, been busy, been just a chaotic mess, as always... From tomorrow until Sunday Berlin and Berlin Festival. Than two days at home. Than holiday. Three days at home. Reeperbahn Festival. Home, September will be over, and than the semester will start. I really regret the London trip I planned didn't take place this year as I had oodles of time, but hope to catch up on it in spring.
Don't know if I'll write it down in my lifetime, though I even managed to take photos, but Dockville was fine, so was The Kills and even BootBooHook, the festival with the most disturbing name in history. Actually I enjoyed everything a lot.

Looking forward to Austra, Beirut, The Drums, Boys Noize, Mogwai, Suede, ... Btw, I'm sitting in the kitchen where I'm baking banana cake for Cindy, who's been a dear colleague years ago and who will be my host in Berlin and it smells sooooooooooooo delicious!