
Wild Creatures

I actually got a reply mail from Hatcham Social about the street team project, though I live in a country where like 99,9% (I guess) never heard about them. Now I should film a footage of myself (or any other female volunteer, but who could be that stupid to do this for me?) transforming into a wild animal. I guess they need material for the "Wild Creatures" music video. I tried to style myself as a cat, but I'm such a crappy cat.

(Unfortunately no video of Hatcham Social's "Wild Creatures" available)

Hatcham Social are btw one of my favourite bands in 2010 + 2011, though I never wrote about them before. I remember a situation last year where I tried to survive a car journey with my parents and granny due to listening to Hatcham Social in the car's CD player to calm down and not to be forced to listen/speak to my parents. It ended in my father bashing my music taste. And I thought it improved over the years. Sad smiley needed.

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